Month: June 2019

The government’s power under eminent domain

Many residents in California may have heard reports over the years about government entities obtaining privately held land for public projects. One example of this is when older homes are purchased by the government to make way for a new freeway or other thoroughfare....

Is urban exploring against the law?

You may understandably have some concerns about trespassing if you own a vacant building. Depending on the location, age of the property and length of time that it has been unoccupied, it can be dangerous for those who enter without permission, not to mention damaging...

Pros and cons of arbitration in business disputes

When your business faces a dispute, you may dread the anticipated time, energy and resources to spend on reaching a resolution. Fortunately, a contract dispute, partnership disagreement and more do not always have to resort to litigation.Many California businesses...

Adding Someone to Title? Think Again!

In the course of our real estate law practice, we often are asked to help a homeowner "add someone to title."  At other times, we encounter a prospective client that has already "added someone to title." While preparing and recording the paperwork to do this is...