Firm News

What is an abstract of title?

When you purchase a piece of property, you naturally want to know that you have a good title to it, meaning that you and you alone own the premises. Purchasing title insurance during the real estate buying process is one way to safeguard against possible claims by...

Seller concessions could help with commercial real estate deals

Many small businesses start out with just an owner working out of his or her home. However, as time goes on and the company grows, working out of one’s home is no longer a feasible option. You may have recently found yourself ready to expand your business and start...

Defending your business from a former employee turned competitor

California has one of the biggest economies in the world which you may want to capitalize on by running a business. Unfortunately, the more successful your company becomes, the more likely it is for other people to try to copy your business' model or steal from it in...

Learn more about mergers and how they work

Merging is a term that you may have heard, being in the business world. It means that you're combining two businesses into one. A merger is much like a marriage, and it can be a great way to grow your business.Usually, mergers work by combining assets, staff members...